Children's Ministry

We can’t wait to welcome your child in and explore the Bible with fun activities, stories, games, and music! In our Ministry, we understand it is important to provide a fun, nurturing environment that helps your child understand the Bible and God’s Teachings! We want your child to feel part of the family and make lifelong friends along the way!

youth's Ministry

 At freedom ministries youth, our desire is to provide an environment where teens can come to experience the life changing love of Jesus and grow in their faith in a safe and loving environment.  We desire to guide them, teach them, discipline them and ultimately to model for them what it means.  Jesus called us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).  Disciples making disciples.  We need one another in this journey.  This generation of Christian youth can then be equipped to go and do the same.

women's Ministry

The Women of Purpose (WOP) ministry consist of the everyday busy women and encourage them to thrive as followers of Jesus Christ. We meet on a regular basis in bible study, in fellowship, and partnering up with one another in discipleship. WOP ministry is based on Philippians 2:13-14, “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

men's Ministry

 The Men’s Ministry is rooted in the word of God. We believe the Word (John 1) became flesh and the Word is God and the Word became flesh to dwell among us. This ministry is grounded in the full counsel of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Men’s Ministry is dedicated to helping each to see the full counsel of what Jesus taught & to live it out in our immediate garden of influence; home, church, job, community, and world.